
Becoming a Caregiver at 40 instead of at 30 years of Age

July 17, 2014

Young caregivers have their heart in the right place but too often are victims of people or systems much bigger than them. With age comes wisdom and knowledge of how the world works and one understands that even as a caregiver one has rights. How to be a good caregiver and protect yourself at the same time.

Caregiver Coming Out Day

November 6, 2012

November is national caregiver month and it is important for each family caregiver to speak up. It helps them, their patient and other fellow family caregivers to learn and share from each other.

August Beginning As A Caregiver

August 1, 2012

As a caregiver, it is important to give ourselves a push every once in a while. It’s great for us and the patient. Here are some tips which literally take a few minutes out of your schedule but go a long way in maintaining caregiver sanity.

Male Caregiver Feedback For Intersex Diagnosis

June 13, 2012

During Men’s Health Month, let us look at the condition of a young, male, spousal caregiver of Intersex patients. While the intersex patient is recommended pscyhosocial counseling and treatment, the same is not even thought of for the male caregiver. Instead, there is a complex web of secrecy and privacy surrounding the male caregiver threatening the health of the patient-caregiver.

8 Tips For A Caregiver of Intersex or Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) Patient

May 10, 2012

Intersex or Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome is a traumatic genetic condition for the patient. It is a rare medical condition. It is even more rare to have a spouse as a caregiver of an intersex person and therefore very scant data is available. Here are 8 ways you can help as a caregiver your loved one, an intersex patient, to get through their medical condition.

Intersex or Androgen Insensitive Syndrome (AIS) and Waiting Period Study

April 26, 2012

There is a cloud of secrecy in dealing with intersex issues. There is scant data and issues go under the radar. In the best interest of the child, should there be a waiting period study of when an intersex person has overcome personal trauma and crisis to care for an infant? By no means there is any suggestion that intersex people cannot be a parent but we also need to protect the best interests of the child.

Young, Male, Spouse Caregiver – A minority within a minority

April 23, 2012

A recent survey for the first time gives us a remarkable insight into the previously hidden world of young, male, spouse caregivers, and contrary to the well established and pervasive stereotype of the elderly female caregiver, we find within the data the existence of a rarely recognised and seldomly supported minority caregiving group, the young to middle-aged, male, spousal caregiver, a minority within a minority.

Caregiver of Alzheimer and Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) or Intersex

April 17, 2012

Imagine a different medical condition like Alzheimer’s. While there is no known cure, the best cure is to rejoice the moments there are. There is a lot of information and resources and support groups for caregivers of Alzheimer’s. The inclusive approach makes the experience so much better both for the caregivers and the patients. Isn’t truth the best way for all caregiver-patient relationships regardless of the medical condition?

Inclusive Approach For Caregivers Of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS)

March 29, 2012

The inclusive approach makes the experience so much better both for the caregivers and the patients. Isn’t truth the best way for all caregiver-patient relationships regardless of the medical condition? Secrecy and stigma make it worse than the intersex condition itself. It serves as a reminder of how HIV/AIDS people had to initially fight the taboo and still do just to present their concerns. Let history not repeat itself.

What Is The True Cost Of Lying for Caregivers?

March 4, 2012

Secrecy, lying, deceit are a double whammy. First it does not reveal the truth and second one has to undo the damage that secrecy or lying caused. It becomes difficult to calculate the cost of lying especially when playing with emotions.