Young caregivers have their heart in the right place but too often are victims of people or systems much bigger than them. With age comes wisdom and knowledge of how the world works and one understands that even as a caregiver one has rights. How to be a good caregiver and protect yourself at the same time.
Becoming a Caregiver at 40 instead of at 30 years of Age
July 17, 2014Intersex Awareness Day for Families
October 27, 2013October 26 is intersex awareness day. What is intersex? Here is the medical definition of being intersex. What is the legal definition of intersex? Regardless of our race, color, birth, gender, caste, religion, sexual orientation, we all have to deal with the laws. Depending on each person’s circumstances, to provide a “complete life”, one needs to understand […]
Becoming a Cancer Caregiver
July 31, 2013A guest post by a fellow spouse caregiver. Educating and spreading awareness. There is one day in my life that I will never forget: the day that my wife received a Mesothelioma diagnosis from her doctor. The date was November 21st in 2005, and on that particular day, I became the caregiver for someone who […]
Loneliness and Secrecy for a Caregiver
June 26, 2013Learn to live with truth with civility, dignity, and humility. Living in loneliness and secrecy as a caregiver is terrible. That means you are not getting the help and support you need and deserve. What are some of the issues that family caregivers experience?
Lessons of Being a Spouse Caregiver of Intersex
December 31, 2012Fighting for equal intersex rights and equal IVF child rights are some of the lessons learnt from being a spouse caregiver of intersex.
Caregiver Coming Out Day
November 6, 2012November is national caregiver month and it is important for each family caregiver to speak up. It helps them, their patient and other fellow family caregivers to learn and share from each other.
August Beginning As A Caregiver
August 1, 2012As a caregiver, it is important to give ourselves a push every once in a while. It’s great for us and the patient. Here are some tips which literally take a few minutes out of your schedule but go a long way in maintaining caregiver sanity.
Intersex Surgery During Marriage
July 9, 2012Is there any medical data or scientific basis to do sex reassignment surgery and hormone replacement therapy on an intersex patient during a marriage? Do the benefits outweigh the risks?
8 Tips For A Caregiver of Intersex or Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) Patient
May 10, 2012Intersex or Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome is a traumatic genetic condition for the patient. It is a rare medical condition. It is even more rare to have a spouse as a caregiver of an intersex person and therefore very scant data is available. Here are 8 ways you can help as a caregiver your loved one, an intersex patient, to get through their medical condition.