UN calls for a STOP to normalization surgery of intersex people. What about the spouse caregiver of intersex who has been shunned and forced into silence? Is his suffering due to secrecy and lies from the medical community any kind of torture and violation of human rights?
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To Whom It May Concern
I support the objectives of the Caregivers of intersex or AIS Support Group:
1. Inclusive palliative care approach for patient and family including caregivers and children.
2. Education and spreading awareness is a better long-term solution for all. The concealment-based approach has to stop.
3. In the best interest of the child, conduct a scientific study to evaluate if a "waiting period" should be established to be the primary care provider for infants immediately after adult AIS or Intersex patients :
a) have sex reassignment surgery.
b) have just started treatment with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).
c) and are overcoming severe personal trauma and crisis.
4. All caregivers should be assigned an independent advocate/counselor to explain the condition and its effects to prevent them from becoming a patient.
5. Caregiver feedback should be sought in devising the hormone replacement therapy and associated behavioral symptoms of the AIS patient involving severe trauma, depression, and crisis.
6. Seek medical data or scientific basis to do sex reassignment surgery and hormone replacement therapy during a marriage when the intersex patient is already in their 20s or 30s.