
Intersex Awareness Day for Families

October 27, 2013

October 26 is intersex awareness day. What is intersex? Here is the medical definition of being intersex. What is the legal definition of intersex? Regardless of our race, color, birth, gender, caste, religion, sexual orientation, we all have to deal with the laws. Depending on each person’s circumstances, to provide a “complete life”, one needs to understand […]

Gay (LGBT) Rights and Spouse of Intersex Rights

September 24, 2012

There is a strong relationship between gay rights and spouse of intersex rights. The lack of laws for relationship between two males affects both. Let us hope that by raising awareness and education, both get equal rights soon including the innocent children of such relationships.

Young, Male, Spouse Caregiver – A minority within a minority

April 23, 2012

A recent survey for the first time gives us a remarkable insight into the previously hidden world of young, male, spouse caregivers, and contrary to the well established and pervasive stereotype of the elderly female caregiver, we find within the data the existence of a rarely recognised and seldomly supported minority caregiving group, the young to middle-aged, male, spousal caregiver, a minority within a minority.