During Men’s Health Month, let us look at the condition of a young, male, spousal caregiver of Intersex patients. While the intersex patient is recommended pscyhosocial counseling and treatment, the same is not even thought of for the male caregiver. Instead, there is a complex web of secrecy and privacy surrounding the male caregiver threatening the health of the patient-caregiver.
Male Caregiver Feedback For Intersex Diagnosis
June 13, 2012Third Gender – Equality and Truth
May 29, 2012Secrecy and stigma are terrible way to live. There are no laws to protect one’s equal human rights. It becomes worse when one has to live in secrecy and stigma as a caregiver. They have even lesser support and lesser rights or no rights. Without the truth, we cannot progress. The third gender and their allies and caregivers need to have an environment which encourages truth, tolerance, and respect.
8 Tips For A Caregiver of Intersex or Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) Patient
May 10, 2012Intersex or Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome is a traumatic genetic condition for the patient. It is a rare medical condition. It is even more rare to have a spouse as a caregiver of an intersex person and therefore very scant data is available. Here are 8 ways you can help as a caregiver your loved one, an intersex patient, to get through their medical condition.